
The Tratist is
unlike the avant-garde artist. Usually, comfortably at the rear, commenting on whats happening at the "forefront" not as a
critic, but as a reactionary Tratist, walking backwards, observing the avant-garde's referential walk through time rewriting
and reliving history. As a group of people all in agreement in man's ability and ambiguous yet controllable post modern reality.
Perch themselves on a grand eclectic summit. They document the variations of activity in motion down below, as patterns and
linear statistics. The Tratist, is never in agreement. He or she (usually a he--I only know of a 'he'tratist complete
human being) is always spinning out of control in conscious descent, sometimes standing with the others, smiling in acknowledgment.
Often times scratching ones head with a smile, walking backwards, not through time, or recorded history, but down and up and
around the great summit in a kind of counter clockwise circular motion stimulated by the activity below. Sometimes scratching
ones head and balls. It is unknown if the tratist is actually participating or if he or she (usually a he--I don't know
of a female tratist) so, most likely a he-man. But their existence and the objects and documentation that seems to follow
should determine the outcome. As the avant-garde artist makes art that herds the flock along the evolving path to a more enlightened
future in reference to points of the documented past. So does the tratist move in continuous motion, in and out, up and down,
scratching their head, their balls, with a smile on their face and a twinkle in their eyes.
* open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard
traditional values.
* favorable to or respectful of individual rights and
* (in a political context) favoring maximum individual
liberty in political and social reform.
A broadened and open perspective isn't necessarily grounded
in allegiance to a particular group. Sadly, the conservative democratic process does as you say offer either or. What's even
more frightening socially, is if your not a member of one group, it's always assumed your a member of the other (i.e. not
a Democrat you must be a Republican or worse). In my opinion, both parties have identical aims via diverse paths. The propaganda
is disheartening on both ends. The Democratic and Republican party's are very traditional. Independent and liberal ideologies
are lost in this monopoly of power. No, to be a member of either club is to simply disagree with the opposing team or hate,
depending upon the extremity of one's partisan leanings. The result is competitive PING-PONG and I fucking hate ping-pong!
No productive objectives are met its just about winning "the righteous" game. One that I think I will abstain from...
The righteous wealthy, liberal, with SUPERIOR intentions,
objectifying and exploiting others to serve their own vanity (and GUILT). I personally had to work WAY out of the box to go
to art school, which was an awakening experience. I was surrounded by young, privileged, pink cheeked, rosy lipped little
Beatles-like future art stars in search of depth. Sadly, picking unfamiliar life issues out of a basket made of cliche and
clumsily inserting it into their art like an awkward virgin's first fuck.
Having A Moment (in a non-partisan Kind-o-way)
There is so much discontent compelling movements such as the Tea Party. I
do feel the current climate demands immediate and radical action, not
blame. A kind of intellectual revolution that awakens objective action
rather than emotional reaction and inspires thoughtful pro-activity
rather than dependence. Otherwise, we will all just be taken advantage
of. In my opinion the only way forward is to release the baggage of
partisanship or allegiance to a particular group. For the sake of
solving our common problems. At least for this sake! We are all on this
planet together and share a much greater commonality of "life" and "the
human race". If this idealistic and yet absolutely true perception were
active and constant, the possibilities would be immeasurable!
The Streets
Too often is the subject of homelessness carelessly, recklessly,
arrogantly rendered and depicted without thought or sensitivity to the
human beings turned subject matter. Even in the context of science and
research the homeless humans are generally objectified and
psychologically vivisected. The end result is generally purposeless and
serves only to perpetuate further naivety and distance from the human
hosts beings preyed upon by artists and researchers. In my opinion, If
art simply inspires one to go "hmmm homelessness is a serious problem,
its so sad, I should donate $, what does the word actually mean?" it is
utterly worthless. Even if well intended, art dealing with the homeless
is almost always objectifying the less fortunate for self gain. There is
so much more information attached to the word "home-less". The physical
space or lack there of, is of lesser concern than that which put the
person onto and keeps them on the streets. Even the homeless dialogue
itself seemingly deflects the core of the issue with words like social
or collective responsibility. The term "human responsibility" would at
least be a step forward in a direction of understanding and empathy.
Lets all look down upon the lesser man or woman and righteously feed
upon there trials and exhibit their tribulations. For we are the artists
and caring bohemians! We will take good care of your suffering.
Each other Till We're All The Same Color
I am intrigued by the assimilation
of cultures and mixed ethnic
relationships that result in a kind of new global identity. However
diverse, this new identity bears fewer ties to historical cultures and
traditions. The work produced by these artists could quite possibly be a
window into the future.
Screams, yelps, fire, smoke, arrows fly,
blood spurts, splash!
I see Glen Beck as a captain atop a stone, rock castle tower telling his
fellow officers and subordinates that the castle is under siege.
As they are confident in the strength of the walls.
Which have WORKED for hundreds of years to secure their existence.
On the other side, the screamers!
Together, with hope handed to them on a hand-woven, American made, hemp plate RISE UP!
Finally, out of the RED, WHITE and blue closet, their dreams of PEACE can be taken with FORCE!
Now, the KLAN may show its face with PRIDE!
The two forces battle for scraps.
Israel is horrified and goes on alert!
Closing it's closet doors.
Cats and dogs chase their tails in amusement.
Meanwhile, chants of change no longer slim.
The MOBs fight with lies and insults competing for dominion of truth.
This fight is sacred.
This fight is new.
This fight must evolve in ORDER for the peace.
The winds have calmed and the flag no longer waves.
Still, the battle continues!
Democracy, Socialism, Communism, CHANGE.
The spirits of the ancient Greeks strengthen the stone resolve.
To the trumpets of ye old Roman guard!
The deep, hallow, song of the "people united under God" justifies and endures.
The fight for LIBERTY takes its toll on both sides of the great rock.
The people, the people, the peoples stand
peace, freedom and equality.
A constitution!
A progressive evolution!
There's gonna be a revolution and it's gonna be
~ Déjà vu
To The Top Or Falling On Your Face
Bush's "No Child Left Behind" limits and often
times prevents
instructors from teaching ALL students the given subject matter. Obama's
"Race to the Top" will enforce this nonsense by firing the teachers for
their students low test scores. They both apparently believe test
scores are the way to the top and that the teachers are solely
responsible. If competition and winning equates to higher intelligence
maybe we should consider an ALL STAR football player for president. Who
would have known that Bush and Obama were so compatible?
& Electrons
It would seem that identifying with and belonging to a group validates
whatever is or is not going on in one's bobbling head. Unlike the
electron-like people people cast of Dawn of the Dead, I would have
stayed at the mall!
Intelligent Art Making
A common example I often use is "art
about homeless people".
Artwork that deals with crucial issues, often times poorly executed and
usually crudely exploitative of the subject. The gallery and museum
alike will exhibit, sell and critique the work as the artists, scholars
and bohemes pat themselves on the back for their daring endeavors.
Documenting the deep dark armpits that to so many is common, everyday,
reality. Good taste and high culture is usually at the expense of
another. In the end, art is sold, the art world satisfies its relative
Much of what I have seen in art schools and the art world fosters,
irritates and sometimes creates THE PROBLEM. Often times...
Poverty & The Artist
art world has always served as a kind of trophy defining the identity,
leadership, perceived superior intellect, grandeur and taste of the
upper class. The
concept of class is very similar to the concept of law. It doesn't
really exist naturally as a tree grows in the forest. The idea is put
forth (generally by those who benefit) as a common perception that is
taught, protected (through art!) and even revered. If a majority group
decided the law was irrelevant the iconic law enforcer and entire
judicial system would be no more. The concept of class is only
"conceptual" yet is the determiner of value and how we are to view
history and culture. High culture also disguises itself by identifying
with poverty and concerning itself with struggle and oppression.
Strangely enough, the concept of the struggling artist in history is a
lie. In honest reflection, most if not all "The Masters" in our books
not only had a financial lifeline but were born into "high culture".
it is a bit different! Though, the concept of high culture generates a
kind of mass paralysis for the creative underclass to produce or exhibit
their work. The physical reality of financial and social mobility (time
and money to make art and show it) also creates obvious limitations.
The contemporary art world occasionally awards particular artists based
on political merit. Much like a basketball scholarship, doors now open
for the already marketed peasant and ethnic or gender symbol. Especially
if their ART reveals the vulture-like identity of high culture and
threatens it's relevance! What was once powerful and sincere art,
becomes an ironic moth/butterfly metamorphosis. One that makes for a
galvanizing topic for dinner parties and publications.
nothing romantic about poverty. However, there is definitely a noble
quality to a person who willingly gets their hands dirty in order to
rise above their adversity! I would also BROADLY assume that an
impoverished artist whom worked a job to pay for their own education,
may have learned a bit more about the world we live in. There is also
something very profound about the experiential! Too often am I subjected
to art that plays a distant and exploitative role in depicting people
and the world around us.
have yet to discover a "universal" definition or standard for art, only
established labels such as "Kitsch" and "Fine Art". Both standards seem
to be intimately connected to class and money.
can Greenberg's kitsch peasant get anything out of fine art if it isn't
accessible to them? The arts in education is usually pushed aside to a
lonely corner of the university. However, kitsch is everywhere! It would
seem that participation in this world of art is in itself unavoidably
and exclusively class based.

